by Matt Adams

Four Roses Single Barrel
Four Roses Distillery
So this season of Game of Thrones is almost over, Deadliest Catch is kind of boring and I'm 3 weeks behind on Mad Men. I heard Don Draper gets stoned on something weird? I don't know. It was a long ass winter indoors and I'm about ready to throw everything to the wind as far as media devices go and spend the rest of my days outside until it snows again. Which will probably be in a few weeks.
Four Roses Distillery
So this season of Game of Thrones is almost over, Deadliest Catch is kind of boring and I'm 3 weeks behind on Mad Men. I heard Don Draper gets stoned on something weird? I don't know. It was a long ass winter indoors and I'm about ready to throw everything to the wind as far as media devices go and spend the rest of my days outside until it snows again. Which will probably be in a few weeks.
Something that's not weird to get "Don Draper" stoned on is this Four Roses Single Barrel. When I picked up this bottle the old lady at the check out asked me, "So when did you start drinking the higher end bourbons?" I thought to myself, "What the fuck did I get myself into? The price didn't seem that out of hand as it was on sale." I chuckled and said something like, "I like bourbon." I received a look from her like Ralph from A Christmas Story gives that a-sexual "girl?" wearing a pair of fucking flight goggles when "she/he" says, "I like the tin-man". Just utterly annoyed and disgusted with the entire situation.
Fuck it. Little did I know that the bourbon I bought that day would indeed be a good purchase that I can safely recommend to anyone who wants to drink a good bourbon.
Four Roses Single Barrel is the shit. It's got a kick ass nose, it's fruity and sweet. It's not overwhelmingly oak flavored and is well-organized in the finish as well as up front. I usually like an oak finish to my bourbons, but this one has a overall sweetness throughout. It's a lot like the Four Roses Small Batch bourbon, very smooth and easy going down, even at 100 proof. I drank this one neat a few times, but drop in some ice and a splash of water and it became my go to drink above Makers Mark.
Highly recommend this one above a lot of others I've reviewed and would venture to say that if you're looking to start drinking bourbon regularly, grab a bottle Four Roses Single Barrel.
So up next in my cabinet I have some W.L. Weller wheated and some Buffalo Trace. I did spot the Woodford Reserve Double Oak at the booze store the crusty old lady works at. I might have to stop in there and blow her mind with another stellar Matt quote.
Taste: YUM! Fruit, Sweet
Price: $45-$55
Purchase Again: Yes. Absolutely.
I need to talk with my cousin about starting an interactive timeline or maybe even a bourbon bracket that sorts the bourbons we've tried and narrow this shit down. Maybe a top 5 would be best. Having it available at all times on the side bar or in the banner too would be a good placement in case you bastards don't want to sit and read this shit.